Best Friend For Musician

How to Choose the Perfect Musical Instrument for your Kids

Allowing your kid to indulge in music doubles the feeling of bliss and euphoria. Any parent could never go wrong in allowing their kid to experience their own music first-hand.

That is why it is necessary to let your kids know what musical instrument should they explore with.

Here are 5 considerations in choosing the perfect musical instrument for your kids:

1. Age.

Child’s age

The first thing you need to consider is your child’s age. Most 3-5-year-olds have very minimal and limited ability to play highly complicated instruments.

Most of the kids at that age may be able to do percussion such as mini drums and xylophones and instruments involving hand dexterity such as pianos.

To give a more specific perspective, here is a list of suggested musical instruments for kids and their age:

2. Body type.

Child’s body type

Knowing your child’s body type is also a thing to consider in choosing the right musical instrument for them. Smaller body types may have difficulty in carrying big and hefty instruments.

Here are a few recommended musical instruments for different body types of children:

3. Personality.

Kids personality.

As a parent, you also have to know what kind of musical instrument may work for your kids according to their personality.

There is a musical instrument that works for kids who are active but would eventually not work for those who are shy and timid.

Here is a list of musical instruments which may work for your kids and their personality types:

4. Interests.

Children’s interests

You should also consider your children’s interests in playing a musical instrument. As a parent, you have to know what musical instrument do they really want to play. You have to take their own interest over yours.

As a parent, you have to assess whether your child would want to play a musical instrument or not. After all, it is their skills that you are trying to help develop and not yours.

5.Financial considerations.

Parents Budget.

Building a family is not easy and it always requires money all throughout your kids’ growth. Part of your consideration in choosing the right musical instrument for your kids is the price of the instrument that they want to play.

Here is a quick list of the possible prices of some common musical instruments:


As parents, we always want what’s best for our children. In choosing the right musical instrument for them, there is only one most important thing to consider and that is their own preference.

We have to know if they want the instrument or not. In decision making, we are only there to guide and help them. Because as what most experts say, if children do what they want, they excel easily and tremendously.

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